Referred to as Nature's own design language, BioGeometry uses the unique energy quality found at the center of all energetic systems to achieve harmony in the body and environment.
BioGeometry revives Ancient Wisdom through a modern alchemy of shape and energy.

Today, medicine and most forms of Holistic Medicine are based on a paradigm that either activates or sedates the energy system, without truly achieving a harmonious balance. Founded by Egyptian architect and scientist, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, BioGeometry's breakthrough research identified the specific energy codes that are found naturally in power spots on the earth. The natural function of this energy effect is to provide balance, or “centering,” to the different energy-qualities or effects within any living system. By replicating and amplifying this energy quality, you will in essence, create an anchor that will hold all the energy qualities around it in perfect harmony. BioGeometry takes us beyond our quantitative worldview, reviving the qualitative worldview of the Ancients. 


Is it possible that the concepts behind Ancient knowledge can come alive in a modern science, to help solve the negative effects being faced from technology today? In the Foundation training, we will not only explore this question, but also actually apply these principles to daily life for an effect. One of the main tenants of BioGeometry is that subtle energy can be used for practical purposes. In the foundation training you will learn to measure and work with all the different variables, which affect energy systems, including shape, motion, sound, and colour, moving from the micro to the macro levels of the inner and outer environment. You will learn the laws of how subtle energy works, which are universal across all fields. Today, BioGeometry energy-quality balancing solutions are being applied to architecture, telecom networks, industrial design, and vehicles to transmute the effects of environmental energy disturbances from sources such as electromagnetic radiation, structural design, and earth-energy radiation. BioGeometry is also being applied in agriculture and animal farming to increase productivity while reducing the use of controversial chemicals and artificial treatments.


Specific Goals of the training:

1. Detect, create, and amplify beneficial energies. 

2. Detect and harmonize weakening energy effects, including those from electromagnetic fields, chemicals, geopathic stress, and food and drink. 

3. Unlock and understand nature’s own design language at the archetypal level of the universe.

4. Practically apply the Ancient worldview of a qualitative universe in a modern science to solve problems faced in our daily life.

5. Learn the universal laws of energy that can be applied to any field from medicine, to agriculture, to design. 

6. Tune into your own personal wavelength to be able to measure the resonant effects of any object or energy system on yourself. 

7. Measure and balance the energy pathways of the body’s organs using BioSignatures.

Meet your instructor: Doreya Karim

The youngest of the Karim children, Doreya Karim grew up with BioGeometry. Today, Doreya manages the BioGeometry company in Canada, where she heads numerous BioGeometry projects and is a vital player of the BioGeometry research and development team, which aims to reduce all forms of environmental stress on biological systems. Doreya has been working directly under Dr. Karim for more than nine years and has had the opportunity to gain experience in applying BioGeometry in numerous fields such as regional environmental electro-smog solutions, architecture and industrial design, music, animal farming and agriculture and serves as co-director of the design department. Doreya is a Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC), with degrees in both Psychology and Graphic Design. Doreya has lectured and taught in over 8 countries, having given over 30 BioGeometry trainings. In 2018, Doreya was selected as a "She's Mercedes" recognizing empowering women in Egypt. 

Meet your instructor: Laila Karim

Laila Karim, International Operations Manager BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd, has over 20 years of experience in BioGeometry research, development, and applications. Laila has degrees in both marketing and interior design, which can be seen in her custom-designed BioGeometry sinks, plates, and cutlery, as well her role as co-director of the BioGeometry design department, overseeing the manufacturing and testing of BioGeometry furniture and industrial design solutions. Laila has managed BioGeometry animal farming, architecture and design projects and has played an essential role in the growth of BioGeometry. Laila is also a certified homeopath with an extensive background in many alternative medical practices.